onsdag 26. august 2015

Gold and silver coins for the colector

Norwegian politicians do not believe in gold and silver coins as means to spread Norwegian culture and heritage. 

By law, they decided that only one measly silver coin is to be minted each year. The Royal Mint  was established in 1686. However,  instead turning The Royal Mint an ambassador for Norway, the  Mint was put to the sword in 2004 by conservative right wing politician and Finance Minister Per-Kristian Foss (H). So much for traditions in a conservative party.
Foss was at a loss
It is fairly safe to claim that few other countries terminate 318 years old institutions with an enormous potential for work places, technology and art. The Royal Mint in UK, The Royal Canadian Mint and United States the Federal Reserve, to mention a few, are known for their production of both investment coins and facinating collector coins.

Look to Austria
Münze Österreich (Austrian Mint) and is renowned for its Wiener Philharmoniker investment gold and silver coins, but Münze Österreich produces also some exiting collector coins with… you guessed it…. Musical themes. Check out the Austrian mint. If you are a coin collector, you are certain to find something of interest. https://www.muenzeoesterreich.at/eng Wood's Blogspot

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