mandag 30. september 2019

Norges Bank – fra Gull til Bly

av Robert Wood – cand.sociol. -
Svein Gjedrem (cand.oecon.) er tidligere sentralbanksjef i Norges Bank og den eneste samfunnsøkonom i verden som har klart å forvandle gull til bly.

Opp gjennom historien har alkymister forsøkt å forvandle bly til gull, men uten å lykkes. Alkymistene jaktet på De vises stein (lapis philophorum), et metall som kunne brukes til forvandling. I en fortelling fra 1955 finner Onkel Skrue denne steinen. Snart begynner han å forvandle skrapmetall til det skinnende gullet som han elsker høyere enn alt annet. Heldigvis for Onkel Skrue blir han overalt av Monsieur Mattressface fra Det International Money Council å stoppe transformasjonene. Monsieur Mattressface mener at gull vil miste sin verdi og opphøre som verdibærer for de styrtrike hvis Onkel Skrue oversvømmer markedet med enorme mengder gull.

Børsspekulanter i Norges Bank og sentralbanksjef Svein Gjedrem fikk det for seg at det var best å forvandle 33,5 tonn gull i bankens hvelv til bly, eller nærmere bestemt papir i form av dollar. Deretter ble dette lagret i en av sentralbankens datamaskiner i form av ti siffer - – det vil si tre milliarder norske kroner. Det norske gullet, som i sin tid ble reddet unna tyskerne, ble solgt til hemmeligholdte kjøpere i London. Norge fikk overført noen dollar - som inflasjonen har spist opp de siste 15 årene. Gull derimot har steget voldsomt i verdi! Hadde Gjedrem hatt en viss forståelse for at gull har vært verdibærer i mange tusen år, samt vært klar over at alle pengesystemer før eller senere kollapser, hadde han latt gullet i Norges Banks hvelv ligget urørt. Men den gang ei! Norge har mistet gullet for alltid! Det er ekstremt lite sannsynlig at dagens sentralbanksjef, Øystein Olsen (cand.oecon.), vil bruke oljekroner til å kjøpe gullet tilbake. Med dagens gullpriser, 28.09.2019, ville gjenkjøpsverdien av 33,5 tonn gull koste ham 14.572.500.000 norske kroner. Eller sagt på en annen måte: Hvis sentralbanksjefen hadde solgt gullet i dag, ville han fått 11,5 milliarder kroner MER enn det Svein Gjedrem fikk for gullet i 2004.

Ja, kanskje,, men det er børsspekulantenes oppgave i Norges Bank å foreta investeringer som gir Norge fortjeneste av oljepengene! En større flopp enn gullsalget i 2004 skal man lete lenge etter. Vil sentralbankens direktør si det samme hvis Oljefondets verdi halveres når neste børskrakk kommer? Eller enda ett hakk dystrere dystopi. Hva om oljefondet nulles hvis den amerikanske dollaren og økonomi kollapser fullstendig?
   Land over hele verden kjøper inn gull som om økonomien skulle gå under i morgen. Og de sentralbankene som ikke kjøper inn gull beskytter det gullet de har sbedre enn egen befolkning.

fredag 27. september 2019

Devastation of Latin-America

by Robert Wood - Sociologist -
The UN and environment activists will continue to rage impotently against the destruction of Earth’s climate. The worlds politicians are willing to let extinction of humankind take place. The one percent superrich elite is more interested in even more money, than the survival of their children and grand-children. The superrich control CO2 emissions, the yearly 9 million tons plastic waste which are dumped into the oceans and the destruction of key-habitats. They do not care about anything or anyone, but more money.

LatAm INVESTOR is The UK's only Latin America-focused investment magazine and it is symptomatic for the “Oh, let’s destroy the environment while we get richer” mentality. Invest and make another billion you don’t need.” This sick mentality is mirrored in the article; Now it is a Great Time to Invest in Latin American Mining.
   The introduction to this article shows an inane lack of reality perception. The writer’s point of view is a beautification of what really happened more than 500 years ago. I'll put a part of the article close to a mirror and rewrite the fairy tale.

For centuries Latin American mining has captivated international investors. Tales of Birú, a magical gold-laden land that we now know as Peru, were enough to convince Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro to lead a risky expedition against the Incas. In the short-term the mission was an outstanding success with Pizarro ransoming captured Inca emperor Atahualpa for 13,000 pounds (lbs) of gold and twice as much silver. In today’s prices that is almost $3billion worth of gold though the silver comes to a paltry £6million. In the following years waves of fresh investors scoured the region looking for similar pots of gold but often with less success. The mythical El Dorado, for example, first believed to be a king, then a kingdom, finally turned out to be a waste of time and money for the British, Spanish and German investors that backed expeditions to find it. July 8, 2019

Real life 
For centuries Latin American mining has captivated international exploiters. Tales of Birú, a magical gold-laden land that we now know as Peru, were enough to convince Spanish conquistador and killer, Francisco Pizarro to lead a raid against the Incas. In the long-term the Spanish invasion was a catastrophe for the native population. Pizarro ransoming captured Inca emperor Atahualpa for 13,000 pounds (lbs) of gold and twice as much silver. In today’s prices that is almost $3billion worth of gold though the silver comes to a paltry £6million. In the following years waves of greedy and plague spreading Christians scoured the region looking for gold they could steal, but often with less success. The mythical El Dorado, for example, first believed to be a king, then a kingdom, finally turned out to be a waste of time and money for the British, Spanish and German robber barons ;-) that backed expeditions to find it.

After Latin American countries gained independence, roughly 200 years ago, international mining investors had to change their approach. But the lure of Latin America’s mining sector remains just as strong. It has the planet’s largest reserves of copper, lithium and silver with plenty of gold to boot. While modest local demand – it has less than 10% of both world population and GDP – makes it a natural exporter. The region’s metal wealth is nothing new – just ask Pizarro – but what has changed are the conditions above ground. Latin America has emerged as a mining-friendly jurisdiction with a wide range of international mining companies listed on Canadian, US, Australian and British stockmarkets. The development of solid democracies across the region since the 1980s has allowed many Latin American countries to finally develop fair systems to manage international mining investment. Of course, profiting from mined metals is a risky business – Pizarro ended up being hacked to death, spending his final moments daubing himself with a cross in his own blood. But from solid, London-listed majors producing a steady flow of earnings, to aspirational explorers looking for that next big find, Latin America has plenty to offer MoneyWeek readers.

Real life 
After Latin American countries gained independence, roughly 200 years ago, international mining exploiters had to change their approach. But the lure of Latin America’s mining sector remains just as strong. It has the planet’s largest reserves of copper, lithium and silver with plenty of gold to boot. While modest local demand, based on inabilities to refine the raw materials and a modern industrial base, Latin-America has less than 10% of both world population and GDP – makes it a natural exporter. The region’s metal wealth is nothing new – just ask Pizarro and the murdered local inhabitantsBut what has changed are the conditions above ground. Latin America has emerged as a mining-friendly jurisdiction with a wide range of international exploiting mining companies listed on Canadian, US, Australian and British stockmarkets. The development of weak democracies and the destruction of the Rain forest across the region since the 1980s has allowed many Latin American countries to finally develop exploitative systems to manage international mining investment. Of course, profiting from mined metals is a risky business – Pizarro ended up being hacked to death, spending his final moments daubing himself with a cross in his own blood. But from solid, London-listed majors producing a steady flow of money and resources out of Latin-America, to aspirational exploiters looking for that next big find and devastation of the land, Latin America has plenty to offer MoneyWeek readers and nothing to offer the survival of mankind.

tirsdag 24. september 2019

Polen kjøper gull

av Robert Wood - Sosiolog - 
Polske myndigheter, med statsminister Mateusz Jakub Morawiecki i front, må le seg skakke av Norges politikere som insisterer på å mate landet med 7200 millioner kroner fra norske skattebetalere.

Galskap satt i system
La meg gå rett på sak med et sitat; – Jeg er glad for at vi har kommet til enighet om rammene for en ny periode med EØS-midler til Polen. Vi ser frem til å videreføre det viktige arbeidet fra forrige periode, samt å styrke innsatsen for næringsliv, forskning og lokal utvikling, sier EØS- og EU-minister Marit Berger Røsland. Samarbeidsavtalene gjelder for perioden 2014-2021, og med 809,3 millioner euro er Polen fortsatt det største mottakerlandet av EØS-midler. Regjeringen

7200 millioner kroner er svært mange penger, og man skal samarbeide mye med Polen for å få pengene tilbake - for deretter å tjene enda flere penger på det østeuropeiske landet. Imidlertid er det 100 prosent sikkert at det polske folk og deres politikere hadde klart seg godt uten norske skattekroner.
   Vi vet at norsk u-hjelp, eller EØS-midler, ikke hjelper vanlige folk. Milliardene forsvinner inn i finanselitenes pengebinger og i lommene til hensynsløse politikere. Polske politikere får «frigjort» store pengesummer, for eksempel til oppbygging av landets gullbeholdning på bekostning av landets utvikling.

Gullbingen i Polen 
World Gold Council holder noenlunde styr på hvor mye gull som er i omløp i verden. Dessuten publiseres det hver måned oversikter over hva verdens land har av gull i hvelvene sine. World Official Gold Holdings for november 2017 viste at Polen hadde 103 tonn gull til en verdi av 5000 millioner kroner. Juli 2019 hadde landet 128,6 tonn gull, og i september 2019 var gullbeholdningen økt til 228,2 tonn.

Polen har mer enn fordoblet sin gullbeholdning! Landet har kjøpt inn 125 tonn gull til en dagsverdi av nesten 500 millioner kroner tonnet i løpet av to år i perioden med EØS-støtte.

Frigjorte penger 
Nå vil jeg ikke påstå at Polen kjøper gull direkte for millionene landet får fra Norge. Men den norske "støtten" frigjør penger som Polens sentralbank kan kjøpe gull for. Norske penger inn i landet åpner for innkjøp av gull for 6000 millioner kroner med polske penger. Fortsetter Polens sentralbank sin innkjøpstrend, vil den i løpet av 2021 ha kjøpt inn gull for tilsvarende beløp som er mottatt fra Norge som "EØS-støtte".Vinninga går opp i spinninga! Gullbarrer i hvelv er innelåste verdier. Det hadde vært bedre å bruke pengene på å investere og utvikle Polen.
   Og Norge er 7-8 milliarder fattigere.  Disse pengene kunne ha blitt brukt i Norge! Det er mye norske politikere sier de ønsker å forbedre, men har "ikke råd til".

Vaneligvis er Tåkefyrsten Støre tvetydig og uklar i hva han snakker om, men når det gjelder 50 milliarder kroner som sendes ut av landet er han helt klar. Disse pengene trengs ikke til å utvikle infrastruktur, sykehus, skoler, eldreomsorg og innovasjon i Norge. Tenk om de nyslåtte Øst-Europiske diktatorspirene ikke vil kjøpe laks?

onsdag 18. september 2019

Black Colossus

by Robert Wood – Comic book writer -
Robert E. Howard was a master of violent fantasy. His imagination saw no bounds. No doubt will his stories be read more than a hundred years after his untimely demise. The following narration of a treasure chamber filled with gold, jewels and Death is a fantasy injection we all need once and awhile.

Shevatas was wiry and lithe, as became a master-thief of Zamora….… This was Shevatas, a thief among thieves, whose name was spoken with awe in the dives of the Maul and the dim shadowy recesses beneath the temples of Bel, and who lived in songs and myths for a thousand years.

"Gingerly stepping over it (the reptile), the thief thrust against the door, which this time slid aside, revealing the interior of the dome. Shevatas cried out; instead of utter darkness he had come into a crimson light that throbbed and pulsed almost beyond the endurance of mortal eyes. It came from a gigantic red jewel high up in the vaulted arch of the dome. Shevatas gaped, inured though he was to the sight of riches. The treasure was there, heaped in staggering profusion—piles of diamonds, sapphires, rubies, turquoises, opals, emeralds; zikkurats of jade, jet and lapis lazuli; pyramids of gold wedges; teocallis of silver ingots; jewel-hilted swords in cloth-of-gold sheaths; golden helmets with colored horsehair crests, or black and scarlet plumes; silver scaled corselets; gem-crusted harness worn by warrior-kings three thousand years in their tombs; goblets carven of single jewels; skulls plated with gold, with moonstones for eyes; necklaces of human teeth set with jewels. The ivory floor was covered inches deep with gold dust that sparkled and shimmered under the crimson glow with a million scintillant lights. The thief stood in a wonderland of magic and splendor, treading stars under his sandalled feet. "

onsdag 11. september 2019

India Gold and Norway Gold

by Robert Wood - Sociologist
Everybody knows that gold jewelry is much cheaper in India than in Norway, but not many know that 24 carat pure gold, in the shape of a 999,9 gold coin, might be an interesting souvenir to take home from Oslo. 

Indian tourists in Norway, with money to burn, might find it interesting to buy a tax free, one ounce gold coin (31,103 grams). The current price for a Canadian Maple Leaf gold coin in Oslo, is at the moment of writing (11.09.2019), 14239 NOK, ie 116000 INR. This means that Indian visitors will pay 3730 INR a gram. This is less than Gold Returns India quote for 1 gram 24 carat gold, namely 3830 INR.GoldReturns India.
   The prices quoted above are not exact, and change from minute to minute. Potential gold buyers in Norway have to do their own personal calculations. They should also take into consideration the Indian import tax on gold, 12,5 %, if they do not want to be caught smuggling gold into their gold hungry country. ;-)

fredag 6. september 2019

Australske investeringsmynter

av Robert Wood - Sosiolog
Perth Mint lanserer nå sin kolleksjon av 2020 investeringsmynter. Som sedvanlig fokuseres på tolkninger av australske dyr som Kookaburra, Kangaroo og Koala i nye bakgrunner.

2020 programmet introduserer også det første nye designet for Australian Lunar Series III. Innledningsvis med The Year of the Mouse. Ved siden av sølv og gullmynter slippes for første gang en mynt i platina. For den ivrige og velbeslåtte samler kan fulle sett i de tre metallene bli et spennende langtidsprosjekt. Lunar myntene slippes 9 september i Australia, og er å få kjøpt hos  norske forhandlere.

Pert Mint bullion coin program 2020
Krim, tegneserier og annet